Sunday, September 19, 2010

We Are Humans Not Squirrels

If there are any animals that are lucky to be a live, then they must be squirrels. Every single day, I have witnessed some of them narrowly and miraculously missing death. 
Where I live, there are so many of these squirrels. So every time I walk or drive around guess what I see! Squirrels everywhere; crossing the road, chasing each other or climbing the trees.

These little creatures risk their lives by crossing busy roads. There are times that I have found myself closing my eyes or screaming at them to be careful. Not willing to kill them some motorists slow down or stop while others make it by God's grace.

Whether these squirrels are able to think and make wise decisions, I do not know. What I do know is that there are many of us who ought to know better and yet every single day, we go about doing certain things that endanger our precious lives. How do you mean?

1.  Some young people  indulge in drinking alcohol that has been a killer drink. Many are they      who have fallen victims of alcoholic drinks. Many have lost their jobs and families, quit school, driver’s license confiscated, and some end up becoming homeless.
2.  Some have chosen to abuse drugs that have reduced them to zombies.
3. Some of us are not careful as regards what we consume. We eat anything, all the time, and   end up suffering due to our uncontrolled appetites. Lord have mercy!

We need to remind ourselves that life is too precious to play around with. Let us avoid making unwise decisions that we will live to regret or that will shorten our life on earth

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