The constitution is passed and promulgamation was conducted. Diapora elites were grinning from chin to chin with a false hope that at long last they can go back home and change Kenya. Many hoped to presidents and others governors and senators. Change was in the air and those who dared question the validity and the mistakes on the constitution were branded pro Ruto or the enemy of the people. Many diaspora elites having failed to read the whole draft because of their so called "busy schedule" blindly followed their kings and said yes! yes! yes! katiba yes. While many of us were busy challenging the government on spelling errors, major mistakes in the constitution, wrong clauses and demanded an amendment before passage, many elites were spending most of their time writting articles on sections that supported the yes position while ignoring the position that concerned them. Indeed many were circulating petitions to shut us down. The elites hid their heads in big hats and immersed their bodies into long robes of academic achievements and consultancies that had to go with the offers of the time. It is amazing that even some thorough diasporans who have fought their way into institution of excellence discarded excellence for quick passage of dual citizenship that was absolutely meaningless. All they read in the constitution was Chapter 3 section 16 that state
" 16. A citizen by birth does not lose citizenship by acquiring the citizenship of another country."
It reminded me of the Nyayo era when everyone supported free school milk without knowing that the free milk was replacing the books and sending money into the pockets of those owning huge dairy farms. When will Kenyans learn to pay attention to details? It appears one can take a Kenyan out of Kenya but will never take Kenya out of us. We still support people or things blindly irrespective of our level of education or status in the society. We are still cows and not bulls when it comes to politics. The diaspora still follow sacred cows my friends. The diaspora in my opinion are still too naive to talk about leading anyone.
Simply put, the constitution allows for dual citizenship but bars everyone with a dual citizen status the chance to become a Kenyan government official. You cannot hold a public office if you are a citizen of Kenya by birth and a citizen of United States by marriage or whatever. If you doubt me then read the section below with emphasis on the red highlight.
Citizenship and leadership
78. (1) A person is not eligible for election or appointment to a State office unless the person is a citizen of Kenya.
(2) A State officer or a member of the defence forces shall not hold dual citizenship.
(3) Clauses (1) and (2) do not apply to—
(a) judges and members of commissions; or
(b) any person who has been made a citizen of another country by
operation of that country’s law, without ability to opt out.
Now it perplexes me that the diaspora did not read this. Now the diaspora elites are telling us that they are mad. They want the constitution to be amended to allow them to be government officials and the politicians are asking them, "do you have the votes to change even a sentence in the constitution". Indeed some politicians have openly told some diaspora beggars that they are "idiots". The diaspora were idiots in the 2007 election by supporting tribalism and they have turned out to be idiots in supporting a constitution that bars them from changing Kenya from within.
As we speak, the Kenyan politicians are very comfortable with many diasporans who could have had a very good shot at the presidency because many of them are citizens of other countries. No more Wajackoya, Matunda, Mwai, Mutua etc etc for president if they are US citizens. Indeed kiss goodbye to even being a technocrat because the current political class are very uneasy with the Diaspora. The clause above was meant to stop you diasporan and you never saw it coming. It stopped you on your tracks and you are left in the cold over what you have fought for over a decade. How did this happen? It is because of your lack of insight and blind following. It is your individualism and thrust of aligning yourself with people in positions of power. It is your ignorance about cunningness of career politicians. Shame on you.
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